Join Our Festival Team!

We're on the look out for a number of festival crew members to join to the team.
Please Note: All our available festival positions are listed below, all positions roles are subject to change, further work may be offered to the right individuals. All staff will be paid no later than 28 days prior to the festival. All staff positions will be paid the minimum wage for their age group. All staff will be invited to the crew after party after the festival grounds close to the general public. We'll provide drinks, music and food! You bring the vibes!

Silent Disco Crew

We're looking for confident people to operate the silent disco area of our festival. This role will include: Ensuring that music is constantly playing through our headsets, cleaning headsets between guests, and giving out the head sets to guests.

Cleaning Team

Want to make a difference? We need cleaners to ensure that our beautiful beach venue remains clean at all times. We need cleaners to litter pick the beach, and ensure that the toilets are clean and stocked at all times.

Slush Servers

Want to stand around all day listening to tropicana disco music, getting paid and serving slush puppies? This is definitely the role for you! You will be required to complete our in-house food safety course for this position. This course is online, and around 45 minutes long.

BBQ Crew

We have two roles within our BBQ Crew position. We are looking for a number of food service crews to take monies, serve customers and provide customer services to our customers. Chef roles, this role is for qualified chefs/cook. We'll be in touch requesting further information about this role.

Apply Here!

Position Applying For: First Name Surename: Phone Number: E-mail Home Address: Gender Date of Birth: Why do you want to work for us? Tell us a bit about yourself: Submit